Attendance Policy
School Based Attendance Policy of Jackie Robinson Public School 375 in Accordance with the Chancellors Regulations A- 210
Students are encouraged to develop good habits of attendance, beginning with their first school experience. The attainment of at least 90% attendance is a goal we ask our parents/guardians to support our students with good attendance habits.
School begins at 8:20AM every day. Breakfast is offered to all children free each morning before school, beginning at 7:30AM in the cafeteria.
PLEASE NOTE: Children will not be allowed into the building before 7:30AM and parents/guardians may not stay with their children during breakfast.
Schools must take attendance to show whether a student is in school or not; it’s the law.
Schools can mark an absence as “excused” for religious reasons, illness, or some other reasons, but they are still absences and must be part of the student’s record.
Schools must tell families when students are absent or late. Does your school have the right information to contact you? (Make sure to update Blue Emergency Card)
What if my child is late?
Attendance will be taken by classroom teachers daily at 8:30AM. If a student is not in the classroom at the time the teacher is taking attendance, he/she will be marked absent. If your child arrives after 8:30AM, they will be marked as late.
Frequent lateness will be reported to the attendance team. Late arrivals often put your child behind for the rest of the morning and are disruptive to the class. This is also a lifelong habit that needs to be established early in a child’s life.
We encourage you to check your child’s official attendance and lateness records periodically at your NYC Schools Account. Schoolsaccount.nyc You will need your child’s student ID number and NYC Schools Account password. If you need more information about how to find your child’s OSIS ID, please contact our parent coordinator, Ms. Dockery at 718-693-6655.
What if my child is absent?
Please call the school or send a message by ClassDojo if your child will be absent. Please also send a note with your child on the day they return to school, explaining the absence, including a doctor’s note if one was obtained.
If a child is absent for three days or more due to illness, please bring a doctor’s note when the child returns to school.
If your child will be absent for an extended period of time, please contact the school office at 718-693-6655.
What if my child has COVID-19?
Please call the school or send a message by ClassDojo if your child shows any symptoms of COVID-19 or if your child tests positive for COVID-19.
Students should stay home if they show any symptoms of COVID-19 or other illnesses and get tested for COVID-19.
Students who test positive for COVID-19 must be isolated for 5 days and can return to school on day 6 if they have no symptoms or symptoms are improving. They should wear a mask until day 10 after symptom onset or date of positive test, whichever is earlier. Masks may be removed during this period if the person has received two negative rapid tests 48 hours apart.